What has been discussed?
Since the group formed in January 2019 there have been 5 meetings. Staff from the different ACP workstreams have attended to inform the group on the work they are doing and to discuss any ideas or concerns the groups has. The following workstreams have attended:
- Primary Care
- Mental Health
- Pharmacy Transformation
- Children’s and Maternity
- Ageing Well (Long Term Conditions)
Some of the other discussion topics and activities supported by the group include:
- Development of the ACP Website and Newsletter
- Input into the Shaping Sheffield Plan and development of the summary document
- Experiences of person centred care
- Stories of social isolation
- Children’s Health and Wellbeing Strategy
- Pharmacy transformation
- System-wide patient and public involvement
What has been said?
Neighbourhood and integrated care is good, but will there be money to re-train staff and be inclusive?
There is commitment within the Shaping Sheffield plan to develop neighbourhoods and work better together, but no detail on cost yet.
There is awareness of the principle of ‘pharmacy first’ but uncertain about how patients would know when to go and under what circumstances. There is a need for awareness raising and adequate signposting within general practice and pharmacies.
These concerns were taken back to the Pharmacy transformation workstream.
Staff should have person-centred skills training
The ACP workstream for workforce and organisational development is currently working on developing person centred skills training.
How are they making a difference?
Supporting ACP Workstreams
The Primary care workstream asked the group to consider how patient and public engagement could work at the neighbourhood level. They produced a list of ‘do’s and don’ts and other important considerations.
“Members of the IAC Forum have helped to sense check the direction and priorities of the Pharmacy Transformation Workstream in recent meetings. It has given us a route into hearing the patient and citizen voice and we hope will provide valuable insight when we meet with members for dedicated focus groups about medicines and pharmacy services.”
Pharmacy Transformation workstream representative
Developing public -facing information
The group offered feedback and suggestions for the development of the Shaping Sheffield Plan Summary document. Their suggestions included: financial information, clear time lines, and clearer language.
For more information about the Improving Accountable Care Forum please visit the patient and public involvement page.