Move More Empowering Communities (MMEC) project aimed to support voluntary, community, faith, and social enterprise (VCSE) organisations across Sheffield work with communities with the lowest level of physical activity. The project ran from April 2019 through until August 2022.
Katie Shearn and Kerry Griffiths at Sheffield Hallam University recently performed an evaluation of the projects and findings are organised into five interacting theory themes, which explain how and in what circumstances organisations worked to enable physical activity. These are:
- Building capacity in the VCSE to understand the needs of the target communities (insight)
- Harnessing assets (use of facilities, green and blue spaces, networks),
- Working with partners
- Developing a supported and person-centred approach
- Building capacity to deliver activities
The full summary of key findings can be viewed below.
If you wish to discuss these findings in more details and their implications for your work, please contact Adam Batty ([email protected]).