Our ambition is to empower communities in North East of Sheffield to live happier and healthier lives.
The four North East areas of focus will be:
- Burngreave and Grimesthorpe (includes Pitsmoor)
- Firth Park
- Crabtree and Fir Vale (includes Page Hall)
- Southey Green East
There are three key aims to the work:
- To connect people to each other in their communities through increased investment in to local Voluntary and Community and Social Enterprise (VCSE) organisations
- To build community capacity of individuals and neighbourhoods to help them address issues that are important to them
- To devolve power to communities
We will meet these aims by delivering the following objectives:
- Communities will produce their neighbourhood plans
- Make long term investments into VCSE
- Improve opportunities for people to connect and contribute to their local area
- To coordinate work of partners in North East
- People can influence decisions that affect their neighbourhood via participatory budgeting
- Ensure we make the best use of local infrastructure to improve connection to people in the community
- Enhance the skills, knowledge and resources of local people to improve their communities and own lives
- Pilot a new relational model for small number of families experiencing disadvantage
Case for change:
- High levels of inequality and deprivation, with disempowered and disconnected communities
- The North East has very high levels of deprivation, impacting life expectancy, healthy life expectancy, educational attainment, skill-level and the overall health and wellbeing of our communities
- Area has largest number of people who are in multi-occupation households, digitally excluded, experience fuel poverty and food insecurity. Area has high unemployment and high crime rates
- Communities are big users of public services, many with complex needs and lives, yet with little say or control over decisions that affect them
- VCSE sector on its knees with huge demands, short-term funding, and managing more complex cases than before
- System is overwhelmed and understaffed
- Public sector services are designed around the needs of system, not communities.
- Race Equality Commission report recommendation for NHS to “reconsider the balance of health funding for prevention and treatment services, disproportionate investment including in community capacity and infrastructure building”
- Changing national narrative on need to work differently with communities and shift power
- Shift power to communities
- Target resources to where needs are greatest
- Focus on what’s strong and local, not what’s wrong and external
- Readdress the balance in funding for black, minority ethnic communities
- Work alongside communities on identifying needs and solutions
- Plans will be community led and community focused, not system led
- Investment into VCSE will be long-term, sustainable, flexible, and accessible
- Non-medical model based on relationships and connections, not services
- Be inclusive and recognise communities of interest alongside neighbourhoods
- Work together to maximise opportunities for extra investment
- Improve coordination of work between local organisations and different parts of the same organisation
- Work will be evidence-based
- Share good practice locally and wider
- Monitor long-term impact on system and communities via stories, not inputs or outputs
Click the button below to read the five-year Programme Plan.